
Welcome to Integration - the essential bridge between your transformative psychedelic experiences and your journey towards healing and personal growth. Here, we provide a safe and supportive space where you can explore the post-psychedelic terrain. Our dedicated team is here to help you make sense of your journey, offering tools, insights, and guidance to help you integrate your experiences into your everyday life. Whether you're seeking to process emotions, make meaning of your experiences, enhance self-awareness, or simply find a sense of balance, our integration resources and community are here to support you. Join us on this path of self-discovery and transformation as you embark on a holistic healing journey.

Think of psychedelics as a lens that magnifies the intricacies of your mind. They zoom in on emotions, expand your mental horizons, and invite self-reflection. But integration? That’s the art of translating these revelations into lasting change.
— Nicolette Richer

Ready to begin your healing journey? Book a call with Dr. Nicolette Richer today and take the first step toward a healthier, happier you. Your path to wellness starts here.

Embark on a Journey of Self-Discovery and Healing Through Plant Medicine

Welcome to a transformative path where you'll navigate the depths of your consciousness, unearth hidden traumas, embrace your strengths, and clarify your intentions for the powerful odyssey of psychedelic therapy.

What Awaits You:

  1. Uncover Your Trauma: Explore the recesses of your mind and address past traumas in a safe, supportive space—the first step toward healing.

  2. Embrace Mistakes and Struggles: Practice self-compassion by acknowledging past mistakes and struggles without judgment.

  3. Celebrate Your Strengths: Recognize and harness your unique qualities for resilience and personal growth.

  4. Rediscover Happy Places: Rekindle your connection to inner sanctuaries of joy, contentment, and peace.

  5. Define Your Intentions: Clarify your reasons for choosing this path, ensuring your journey is purposeful and transformative.